Modern Parking Garage Twinmotion

A walkthrough of the Twinmotion cloud while demonstrating the application’s proficiency.
Presenting the three different design options for a new parking garage build.

As the viewer uses the scrub bar at the bottom of the screen, four phases can be seen for all three options. The navigation is simple and easy to use with simple directions you can look back on at any time. The user can toggle through different weather options as well as time of day. Twinmotion cloud allows for an immersive, interactive experience for your client to enjoy in real-time.

Year : 2022

Project Name : Modern Parking Garage

Location : Helena, Montana


Modern Parking Garage

This video shows off Twinmoton’s capabilities. As well as showcasing the various phases of the construction options. See below for more details about the various phases. 

Phase 1:

A vehicle path is shown in bright green. It shows the entrance and exit of the garage, along with identifying lines and parking spots.

Phase 2:

Red, blue, and green geometry that identifies what the surveillance cameras on the roof of the garage will be seeing.

Phase 3:

A green grass roof top option for the car garage.

Phase 4:

The red structure is the previous design with a stair tower but is not included the new car garage.